Tag Archives: gsm

CuVoodoo #023 – forever olaf

building a power outage alert notification:
We will build a device to notify us in case of a power outage in our home. For that we just need to re-purpose a GSM tracker.

documentation watch on other devices (youtube)

Post-scriptum: do not waste any time on the Orange Pi 2G IoT.
While the idea and the hardware sound nice, after working a bit with it, there are just too many issues:

  • the official Linux distributions are old (> 1 year), the kernel is even older (it still is a 3.10)
  • the serial port is unstable (freeze on overrun)
  • the wifi is very unstable
  • the wifi MAC changes at every boot
  • the battery managment actually does not work at at all (no power and no charging due to a mistake in the design)
  • it is not supported by armbian

Published: 2018-05-27 by King Kévin

CuVoodoo #002 – osmotoserial

The osmotoserial is a small board to restart automatically and communicate with osmocom baseband phones Motorola C1xx

documentation source files watch on other devices (youtube)

additional links:

Published: 2014-11-22 by King Kévin